Bookish Book Lover Tag


Saw this at onebookishgirl and I thought that it was fun.

g – My image from Deity’s Soulmate

The Rules!!

  • Use the banner!
  • Answer the questions with LOTS of book covers!
  • Tag your bookish friends!

Now for the Questions…

g…books are you currently reading?

I am currently reading

An Author’s Odyssey (The Land of Stories #5)land

I’m taking the time to read it because it’s a series and I don’t want to finish it too fast.

g…the last book you finished?





g…favorite book you’ve read this year?

spell I fell in love with cozy mysteries after reading this one.

g…genre you’ve read most this year?

That would definitely have to be fantasy and romance.

g…genre you’ve read least this year?


g…genre you’d like to read more of?

Cozy mysteries and middle grade fiction.

g…how many books have you read this year – and what’s your goal?

My goal on Goodreads was 5. I read 53 books.

g…last book you bought?


I bought the latest Harry Potter book for my sister’s birthday.

g…book you’re saving up to buy next?

Well I just joined Kindle Unlimited so I’m trying to read the available books and or free copies given to me by authors so I’m saving up to buy other stuff.

It’s been a couple of years…

g…book you can’t wait to read?


Anything that is recommended to me.

g…series you recommend to everyone?

g…author you’re hoping writes more?

All of them!!

g…a few books your heart adores?

g…series’ conclusion that makes you sad?

g…books on your wish list?

I don’t really have one. I go through books fast so I read the next book that gets on my list. That way I don’t go crazy.


Anyone else who wants to do it🙂

10 Comments on “Bookish Book Lover Tag

  1. Great answers!!
    You really smashed your goal this year!! Lol.
    I cried like a baby when Dobby died!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks
      yap. Well, I didn’t know what that goal was when I said 5 books and I didn’t know that I would start a blog so guess it was unrealistic but hey it worked out ^_^

      Oh I hated when that happened. I was mad when Serius died and when Tonks. Was it really necessary???!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wasn’t unrealistic, was just a lowball lol. Definitely worked out 🙂
        At least you can base next years goal on this years outcome.

        I forgot Tonks died 😦 I’m re-reading the series in between review books lol.
        I don’t think it was necessary, but I suppose J.K couldn’t let all the good guys live.
        It broke my heart when Hedwig died!! Worst part ever!!

        Liked by 1 person

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