Support an Author – Interview with Megan Kuykendall

Hello! Today with us we have Angelina Kerner (friend) and Megan Kuykendall (author)! *Applause*

Angelina Kerner: Could you please share with us your journey as an author and what inspired you to pursue writing?

Megan: I’ve always had a love of reading. I was happiest growing up when it was time to go to the library. I checked out every type of book I could especially anything on myth and lore of all kinds. I hated when a book or series would end because I had such a vivid imagination that I would start thinking about what the characters would do next after the book said the end. My grandmother encouraged me to write my stories or thoughts down and that’s when I realized I loved writing as much as reading. From that moment forward I always had a notebook with me creating my own worlds. With the encouragement of my grandparents and my teachers I have created the worlds I write about today. The myth and lore I learned about growing up fuels most of my writing today. 

Angelina Kerner: What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your work, and how do you believe they resonate with your readers?

Megan: My themes very but I think the main theme all my books have is no matter what is going on around you never give up. Keep moving forward and never leave a friend behind. If you stick together anything can be possible. I also believe love of all types is represented in my books Lovers new and old , friendship, the love between family members. In this day and age every type of love is need for you to thrive and keep going. I think those are the big one anyway. I hope my reader can relate and feel the emotions my characters are going through and are happy with how things end up. 

Angelina Kerner: Can you tell us about your latest book/project and the creative process behind it?

Megan: Right now I am writing book 2 in my Cupid Series and it is pivotal because it is actually going to link all my paranormal series together. This means you will see some of my main and sub characters from each series will be popping up to work with each other. Some you find out are old friends or maybe old rivals. or they might be meeting for the first time to overcome the bad guy for the story. Anyway it goes book two A Deadline for Love is going to be entertaining and exciting with a few plot twists even I didn’t see coming. 

My creative process is usually an idea pops in my head and then I run with it. my brain is a mess most of the time but I usually know how it starts and how the story ends when I start to put pen to paper for the first draft. I am very much a just run with it and see where it ends up type of writer.

Angelina Kerner: As an established author, what advice would you give to aspiring writers looking to break into the industry?

Megan: Find your writing friend circle. You do a lot of the work all alone in writing but to have like minded people on your side rooting for you to succeed there is nothing more important then that. We are all insecure about our writing or our ability to write. Find those friends online, at home. in a writers group a the library or that co worker that cant wait to see that next chapter. That support will get you though those time where you doubt yourself. Also your editor is your best friend find out that you can work well with and give you honest and good feed back to make your story better. 

Angelina Kerner: How do you handle writer’s block or challenges during the writing process, and what strategies do you use to overcome them?

Megan: I hate it when my characters decide to stop talking to me. I tend to take a step back for a few days, maybe even a week or two from the work. There is something my brain need to work out before I can continue with my story. Some of the ways I deal with it is go for a walk or turn on some music and loose myself in it for a while. I like to go for a walk or hike and just let my brain blank out while I ground myself. My favorite is my best friend and I go out and talk about my story so far. Where I had to stop. What I need to do with it to get to the end. Most of the time this kicks everything into gear and I can go home and write down the next few scenes of the book. When all else fails I pull out one of my other projects that are next in line and start it work on it. That sometimes gives the break I needed to work out what needed to happen then boom an idea pops up and I am off to the races again. 

Angelina Kerner: Are there any specific genres or writing styles you haven’t explored yet but would like to in the future, and what draws you to them?

Megan: Most of my work is Paranormal Romance and I am very happy with this genre. I don’t really see myself leaving this genre anytime soon but you never know, one day I might just get a new idea that will take me on a grand adventure.

Angelina Kerner: Are there any specific authors or literary works that have influenced your writing style or storytelling approach?

Megan: R.R. Tolkien was huge. I read all his works by the time I was twelve. By this time I was in love with any kind of myth I could find and Celtic was huge to me. His stories just brought to life a lot of the myths I had been reading about and it stayed with me all these years.

Angelina Kerner: As an author, what role do you think research plays in creating believable and immersive fictional worlds or narratives?

Megan: I research a lot but I put my spin on the myths and lore I find. So all my stories are based on lots of research but then I take it and make it work for the stories. I was taught that magic has a life of its own and shows itself in different ways to different people. Well, I research and let the myth talk through my stories in the way I can relate to it.

Angelina Kerner: What do you believe sets your writing apart from others in your genre, and how do you strive to innovate within your field?

Megan: I try to be real with my characters. In my worlds there are more characters than just the man and woman that fall in love. The romance takes a back seat most of the time to the actual story I am telling. There is evil that needs to be destroyed or at least pushed back into the darkness it came from after all. And there are more people in your life than the man or woman you fall madly in love with. I try to bring the whole story to life, not just the romance part of the story. I like to say my stories are paranormal with a romantic twist.

Angelina Kerner: In your opinion, what are some key elements that make a compelling and successful book, and how do you strive to incorporate them into your writing?

Megan: Real life. I like to watch people and interact with people which is really weird for an introvert. But I waitressed for 20-plus years so I was there but never really part of it all. I could watch and listen and interact with people without the overload if that makes sense. I try to bring real life into my stories. My characters make mistakes and can be ruff around the edges sometimes but they are down to earth and want to help make the world better for those around them. I try to bring the goodness in the people I see out in the stories I tell.

Thank you for participating in Support An Author event!!!

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